Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Taiwan Tower Conceptual Design International Competition

Taiwan Tower Conceptual Design International Competition

A. 台灣塔功能規劃及設計構想
1. 概念: “騰龍暢舞瑞雲飄”是台灣塔概念設計的基本構想.
它體現了台中人, 台灣人民的奮鬥,進取和成就¬─ 在片片的瑞雲飄舞雲海中的天際一角迎來了充滿自信,氣勢如虹的騰龍暢舞,象徵著台灣人民和台灣的美好現在和燦爛的未來. 
如何表達“台灣精神”? 或許台灣塔的建造本身就是我們所要探索的實質和簡單的表達─ “騰龍暢舞瑞雲飄”
*提示: 龍 ─ 中華文化吉祥神物/中華民族是龍的傳人/象徵奮鬥,進取
             騰 ─ 衝,飛昇,喻飛速發展
             暢舞 ─ 歡愉的現在,未來
             瑞雲 ─ 祥雲, 喻富貴豐收

2. 總體規劃功能分區
台灣塔及龍影廣場 (10).作為本基地之內的唯一獨立建築.位於基地中部. 它由 333 米高騰龍觀景塔, 願景館,都市發展局辦公大樓組成。空間關係和週邊的建築群和中央公園協調,均衡.其下附屬的龍影廣場是作為人流活動集散的主要區域,延伸至被台灣塔覆蓋的全部地面空間.該空間即可以作為參觀願景館和台灣塔前或之後的短暫的活動空間(攝影或者臨時小憩),也可為公眾提供各種節日,假期的活動場所,及經營土特產,工藝品的臨時有證 攤販的擺放.廣場地面裝飾 的LED光帶,更可以成為台灣塔高空夜景的一部分,和周圍其他的水景,瀑布,綠化,花展等有機地構成一幅耀眼的供視覺享受的藝術圖案.             
機動交通主要設於基地的北部(詳細另見C動線規劃設計構想) 避免人流和機動交通的交叉.
“綠色”覆蓋全基地.主要西部南部為比較安靜,休閒區域,其設計概念是“獲取最大面積的綠化並作為中央公園延伸的主要景點及互相呼應”.整個 總平面的綠化景觀就如同一片舖滿祥雲,色彩繽紛的藍天, “片片瑞雲” 的概念由此而生(也有更健康的生活環境的意義).綠化包括水面的覆蓋率除了必要道路, 廣場,建築物達80%以上.        
水本身有財源之意,因此流動水景是本總體設計的一個相當重要的考慮.淺階梯式大片流動水面 (11) 毗鄰台灣塔的西側,區分安靜綠化區和人流集散的龍影廣場.各項水上活動,如在北面的直通地下停車場的排簫式音樂噴泉瀑布 (12); 在西南角的水滴形升降室外舞台 (4) 及與之相對傾斜的草坪觀眾席 (5);在東面的綠化内月牙形的噴泉水景(13) 圍繞著橢圓形的鮮花燦爛的美景及一組抽象的玻璃群彫; 結合了相連的龍影廣場景色及其LED地面光帶效果,以及台灣塔本身五彩繽紛的立面造型將形成不論是白天還是夜晚都是無與倫比的一座標誌性建築,一流的美學效果和視覺享受.它不但為台中和台灣,也為世界帶來一個富有東方神秘色彩的旅遊景點,為台中市創造可觀的經濟效益.
B. 主要空間設計構想

1. 騰龍台灣塔

塔身淨高333米.塔頂設置旋轉觀景餐廳(#),享受360度全方位空間瀏覽.其上連接夾層茶室(#),可供遊客短暫休憩. 向下直達曲綫圍繞的玻璃墻身, 不封頂的空中花園(#)及環形空中走廊(#).加上微傾的屋面, 參觀者既能目睹又可以儘情領略高空美景宛如置身太空.



作為一座有一定紀念意義的地標性建築,並不建議在塔頂設置大型天線發射裝置.如果考慮廣電和電子訊號傳送的服務, 已在塔頂316-333米預留廣電等發展空間.

2. 願景館



入口大廳設於7.2米是共享空間的起始(#),設置環形自動樓梯連接各層參觀,並在15.2米設置室內漂浮庭園陳列台灣塔模型, 其上設置傾斜圓錐形天窗(#), 喻台中市不不斷地向上發展.


3. 零售和可提供便餐供應的美食中心設於3.6米,可以直接連接台灣塔入口大廳,並為願景館服務. 願景館參觀者可由願景館7.2米入口大廳下達. 都市發展辦公大樓職員也可以經大樓接待大廳(位于7.2米). 在午餐或下班后通過室外架空玻璃走廊, 一面欣賞美麗的環境一面慢慢走向商店便餐供應區.

4. 都市發展局辦公大樓

這是一座13層高的曲線節能建築,象徵高聳擺動的龍尾,其入口處為水簾瀑布水景内庭(#),中間的自動樓梯直上7.2米接待大廳. 喻盤龍正在為騰昇做準備.


大,中會議廳設於13層,55.2米.其中一個中型會議室,設於夾層59.2米.與會者可以從這裡的斜面橢圓共享空間俯視底層瀑布內庭園景觀. (#)

5. 龍影廣場

6. 室内設計的空間構想: 盡量利用建築物本身的豐富空間組合來表現其自然,樸實的實質,不再刻意地另創造新的設計空間,達到既經濟又能和簡樸表面裝飾融匯成一體的效果。

C. 動線規劃設機構想

1. 車流機動交通主要設於基地較繁忙的北面和東北角.利用30M-83道路出入.





2. 人流.本設計方案並不採用參觀人流集中於一個主要入口廣場的理念. 而是採納無拘束的分散式公園佈局 --按照到達人流(包括高架行人天橋,乘坐公共交通,旅遊巴士和由-4m 下可取客區乘自動樓 (#)直上龍影廣場梯私家汽車…)YOU不同的交通位置而設立方便,輕鬆,和自由的人流入口(見總平面圖(15)),既避免和機動交通的交叉,更符合總體設計的概念:一片色彩繽紛的祥雲組成的自由綠化佈局,有機地成為中央公園大面積綠化延續.

3. 展覽參觀動線序列有三種選擇,參觀起點均經過各入口大廳購票入場.

以願景館為起點,參觀有關台中市發展史後可在標高11.2米乘坐電梯至台灣塔的入口大廳開始參觀台灣塔(見垂直動線構想圖)這是主要參觀路線. (見願景館平面圖之參觀動綫圖)

考慮參觀人數過多時,可以台灣塔的出口大廳為起點,參觀結束後參觀者可自塔頂高速電梯下降至7.2米 的願景館入口大堂,開始參觀願景館.


4. 設置高速觀光電梯兩部,運行時參觀者可以透過塔身玻璃遙望不同的高空景觀.

E. 綠色建築,節能,綠色能源設計構想

1. 太陽能蓄電板用新一代的太陽能電池,更加薄 ,有顔色,半透明甚至更加柔性, 覆蓋都市辦公大樓屋面及願景館局部昇高屋面和在屋頂上的玻璃幕墻的系統結合(見總平面圖) 而不影響台灣塔立面外觀.

2. 太陽能蓄電板立面處理

台灣塔西面和南面立面設太陽能蓄電板 (見西,南立面圖)。

願景館及都市發展局大樓的立面設局部太陽能蓄電板, 設計上和玻璃幕墻系統結合.

3. 願景館,都市發展局大樓屋面除設置太陽能蓄電板外,其餘均為節能綠色屋面(吸收雨水和保溫)使之成為地面綠化延伸.並考慮安裝回收雨水設備在屋面設計. (見剖面綠化屋面太陽能板設計構想圖) (#)

4. 都市發展局辦公大樓, 採用非機械送風方式,以達節電效果(詳細見辦公室標準樓剖面圖) 綠化空氣過濾裝置用斜橢圓内柱身貫通中庭共享空間.

5. 總體規劃考慮儘量縮減硬地面積,增加綠化,減少地面熱量反射,從而改善基地內的局部小氣候. 並涵養雨水, 和提供小生物棲地環境。

6. 設挑出室外露台於都市發展局辦公大樓西面和東面,以達到遮陽目的.其上種殖永續綠化供觀賞.

7. 333 米高開放式臺灣塔,除旋轉餐廳,環境品質監測站辦公室外, 全部擦用LED照明以達節能效果。

F. 結構及設備系統規劃構想

1. 結構.台灣塔結構構想根據地質鑽探柱狀資料,考慮用樁基(見台灣塔結構概念圖, 塔身玻璃板標準詳圖),願景館和都市發展局大樓均採用鋼結構.

2. 設備系統:考慮三組HVAC系統.設至於-8.50米為主設備系統.供應願景館,都市發展局大樓;設於169.2米供應中途觀景台及環境品質監測站;設於304.2米供應旋轉觀景餐廳,茶室及空中花園.

3. E/M: 

動力,照明配電首先由太陽能蓄電板統一供電. 不足時, 由城市電網補充.

設置雨水、中水再利用系統, 供水系統包括消防用水和水景用水統一供應; 在塔的不同標高設立雨水, 廢水回收儲存箱,保留了水的高度潛伏能量, 不需要水泵.

4. 電梯,自動扶梯:台灣塔兩部觀光高速電梯,按高雄85年國際標準考慮, 但運行速度可適當降低,以利觀光. 一台貨梯(台灣塔願景館共用),二台客梯(願景館,台灣塔);兩台客梯,一台貨梯(供應都市發展辦公大樓)自動電梯九台,曲線形自動樓梯三台.

5. 基地内太陽能供電系統,參加城市聯網. 有多餘電量可供應城市用電並收費.

G. 台灣塔及主要空間使用材料構


台灣塔立面用材包括混凝土,鋼材(包括不銹鋼),玻璃:層壓玻璃, 生態樹脂玻璃

地面: 室外花岡巖,或再生玻璃硬地 (龍影廣場), 纖維混凝土用於地下室墻地面防潮防裂, 彩色再生橡膠樹脂地面用於人行道,天橋; 再生玻璃地面覆蓋料用於植物樹木護根

室內: 天然石材,玻璃,主要用於入口大廳,公共走道等重點區域,牆面基本乳膠漆噴塗,

地面: 膠地板,部分木地板, 或可再生的自然資源 (竹,木材等).

A.Taiwan Tower Functional Schemes and Design Concept  

1. The Concept: ‘Rising Dragon (Tenglong) dancing freely (Changwu) in the Auspicious Clouds (Ruiyun)’ is the main design concept of Taiwan Tower.  
1.1. This harmony is achieved by the master plan and a self-contained superstructure consisting of Taiwan Tower,  Museum of Taichung City Development, and Offices for the Department of Urban Development, Taichung City Government , and further enhanced by the aesthetic effect of the soaring Dragon (Tenglong) profile.  
1.2. It demonstrates the endeavors, progress and achievements of Taichung and the Taiwan people. A sea of floating auspicious clouds (Ruiyun) in the corner of a boundless sky embraces a soaring dragon, dancing freely, full of confidence, and as powerful as the majestic rainbow.  This  symbolizes the Taiwan people and Taiwan’s beautiful present and bright future. 
1.3. How do we express “Taiwan Spirit”? Perhaps through the construction of Taiwan Tower itself we can explore its essence and discover a simple expression — ‘Rising Dragon (Tenglong) dancing freely (Changwu) in the Auspicious Clouds (Ruiyun)’ 


Long (Dragon) -— Auspicious Chinese cultural figures/ Chinese are descendants of the Dragon/ symbolizes endeavor, enterprising spirit

Teng -- rushed rise, soaring, metaphor for the rapid development of     Changwu (dance freely) — the happy present, future 
Ruiyun –- lucky clouds, a metaphor for wealth, harvest 

2. Master Plan Function and Design

2.1. Taiwan Tower and Dragon Shadow Plaza ( 10 )

As the only independent building, Taiwan Tower is located at the center of the site; consisting of a 333 m high observation tower, museum, and office compartment in the dragon form, spatially well balanced with the surrounding buildings and in harmony with the Central Park.  

Its subsidiary Dragon Shadow Plaza is the main area for assembly and recreational activities and extends out to include all covered portion of Taiwan Tower at ground level. 

This open area is not only available for momentary activities, such as taking photographs or short breaks before or after the museum and Taiwan Tower tour, but also provides a place for a variety of festivals, holiday events, and marketplace for souvenirs, licensed arts and crafts vendors. 

The ground surface of the plaza is decorated with LED light bands ( 10 ) that complement the Taiwan Tower aerial night view. The surrounding water features, waterfalls, greens and flowers organically compose a dazzling artistic spectacle for visual enjoyment.

2.2. Vehicular circulation is concentrated at the Northeast of the site (see C. 1). Driveways and ramps are designed to avoid contact between cars and pedestrians.

2.3. Green Landscape, Horticulture, Floriculture

The entire site is covered by ‘Green’ spaces. The West and South sides are concieved mainly as quiet, leisure areas.  Its design concept is to ‘catch a maximum area of green as a cohesive extension of the main attraction Central Park’. The general layout of greenery landscape is like the sea of clouds in the colorful sky. This healthy living style is promoted by the concept of ‘Woods of Ruiyun’. The green coverage is above 80%, which includes the water coverage except for the necessary roads, squares and buildings.

2.4. Waterscape

Water itself has the meaning of wealth. Therefore, the movement of water is a very important consideration for the overall design, A large scale reflecting pool with a stepped down water surface (11) adjacent to the west side of Taiwan Tower distinguishes it as the quiet green area, in contrast to the noisy Dragon Shadow Plaza, used for gatherings and special events.

Various water features are spotted on site:  in the north, a Pai Xiao-music fountain sculpture and waterfall (12) arise from underground car park; in the southwest corner, a floating stage in the shape of water drop (4) in the middle of the cascading reflecting pool bordered by the green banks, a Green Lawn Amphitheater (5); in the green lawn east of the tower, a crescent moon shaped fountain (13) embraces an ellipse flower bed; etc.

Together they are joined by the scenery of Dragon Shadow Plaza, a group of abstract glass sculptures,  the lighting effects of LED bands inserted in the ground, as well as the Taiwan Tower colorful facade, forming a signature landmark that delivers unmatched first-class aesthetic effects and visual impact whether in day or night.

Not only does it contribute to elevating Taichung and Taiwan, it also brings to the world another tourist attraction rich in oriental mystery, and contributes considerable economic benefits for Taichung City. 

B. Spatial Design Concept for Main Spaces 

1. Tenglong (Rising Dragon) Taiwan Tower

1.1. The tower is 333 m in height. At the top of tower resides the Main Observation Deck and the Revolving Restaurant (#) which provides 360 degree aerial viewing. It is connected to a tea house (#) on the mezzanine level, a respite space for tourists. From the Revolving Restaurant visitors can look into and walk down to the sky garden(#) below surrounded by almost full height undulating glass walls and ring shaped sky corridors(#). Visitors can admire the picturesque landscape and thoroughly appreciate the beauty at this height as they are floating in the universe.

1.2. An Intermediate Observation Deck is set at 181.2 m on top of the Environmental Quality Monitoring Office tucked inside the tower body. Visitors can go down to Multifunctional Rooms at the lower level to watch large digital screen shows, etc.

1.3. Entry hall is located at 3.6 m with a multistory atrium space(#) looking up through the museum lobby at 7.2m all the way to 19.2 m, promoting interactive and friendly contacts: tower visitors can be seen by the museum crowd and appreciate the magical spatial effect of museum atrium space. It also provides a horizontal connection to the retail, souvenir shops, and food court for public use. 

1.4. As a monumental landmark building, we do not recommend installing a large antenna launcher on the top. For broadcasting and electronic signal transmission services, we have allocated additional open spaces on top of the Tower, 316-328 m for radio and digital signal transmission base, and other development. 

2. Museum of Taichung City Development 

2.1. The exterior curved shape design of the museum symbolizes the entwining shape of the dragon body.

2.2. The museum interior architecture space concept is based on the principle of both an exhibition center and a physical model (#) demonstration of different spatial composition of urban pulse. A combination of a large exhibition hall (#) and several small and medium-sized exhibition spaces are skillfully designed to provide built- in flexibility. It symbolizes the exuberant and vigorous development of Taichung city and industrious and enterprising Taichung people. 

2.3. The entry hall is located at the 7.2 m level, and  is the starting point of the multistory atrium space (#) with curved escalators connecting each exhibiting floor. At the 15.2 m level a focal point of an indoor floating garden is set up to display the Taiwan Tower model. A large cone skylight spans the space, in the center of the largest exhibition hall. (#) This is a metaphor for Taichung city ‘s continuing growth .

2.4. Museum visitors entering from the museum elevator lobby through spacious corridors(#) at each level can look down into the Taiwan Tower entrance hall at 3.6m.  Perceptual connections into two individual spaces promote unlimited reverie and interest in other exhibit areas for both tower and museum visitors. (#)

3. Retail and Food Court located at 3.6 m can connect to Taiwan Tower entrance hall directly and provide service for the museum.  Museum visitors may come down from the museum entrance hall at 7.2 m.  During lunch time and after work, employees of the Urban Development Bureau Office Building may come from the office main lobby located at 7.2 m and stroll to the shops and the food court through the outdoor overpass glass corridor while enjoying the beautiful scenery on both sides.

4. Offices for the Department of Urban Development, Taichung City Government

4.1. This is a 13 storey curved building offering energy-saving and green architecture. Its form symbolizes a lofty swaying dragon tail.   The main entrance is an indoor courtyard with (#) an ‘airlation’ waterfall and rock waterscape juxtaposed on both sides.  At the center two long escalators rise up to the main lobby at 7.2 m, a metaphor that the dragon is preparing for ascension.   

4.2. The atrium (#) at the elevated main lobby consists of a series of inclined ellipses decreasing in size each level as they go up to the top . This gives a strong visual impact but also efficiently divides office spaces into two functional parts at each level. 

4.3. A large conference room and a medium size meeting room located on the 13th level at 55.2.m high. One medium-sized meeting room located on the mezzanine above at 59.2 m. Attendees can overlook from the inclined elliptical atrium (#) all the way down and see the waterscapes at the ground level entry indoor courtyard. 

5. Dragon Shadow Plaza

Because the building is elevated from the ground, Dragon Shadow Plaza allows the visitors to reach any point on site unimpeded and even further at the ground level, effectively meeting the functional requirement for converging and diverging the crowds. Thus, the concept of the Taiwan Tower and ‘Woods of Ruiyun’ is naturally formed to continue the green space of Central Park as ‘a corner of the boundless sky’, truly experiencing the spatial fluidity, infinity and 360 degree scenic views, creating a panoramic cinematic experience. Also this is an exterior extension of all interior tours; all pedestrian traffic will be directed to here as a start. 

6. Interior Space Design Concept

This makes use of the rich architectural space composition to demonstrate its natural and honest essence. Therefore there is no need to deliberately create a secondary interior space.  And with simple surface decoration, we can achieve the economic goal and the effect of spatial integrity simultaneously. 

C.  Site Plan and Circulation Design Concept

1. Vehicular circulation mainly located at the busy North and Northeast corners of the site. Use 30M-83 Road for access. 

1.1. Coaches buses enter the site from 30M-83 Road (refer to the Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic Analysis Diagram) and exit out to Park Avenue 3 at the Northwest corner, or during a large events U-turn and exit from 30M-83 Road.

1.2. Private cars and taxis use 30M-83 Road for access, directly go down to passenger drop-off area at -4.00m or enter straight into the underground parking. There is no crossover with pedestrian allowing more green space at the grade level on the site.

1.3. The Urban Development Bureau Office Building has a separate vehicular entry point at the Southeast corner of the site and uses 30M-83 Road for access, arriving directly at the underground parking level and bypassing Taiwan Tower’s vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow.

1.4. Loading access is located at the Northwest corner of the site mainly for night use. Depending on the operation and management arrangement, loading can take advantage of Park Avenue 3 at the Northwest corner or enter from the same coach bus entrance at the Northeast corner.

2. Visitor Circulation.

This design scheme does not adopt the concept of a single point of entry for all visitors at one major plaza.  Instead we propose a free form Park like distribution layout that responds to the flow of arriving visitors (including pedestrian overpass, public transport, coaches , taxis and private cars  ...) and their different arriving locations, to set up convenient and free pedestrian entry points (Refer to master plan (15)).  Visitors from the lower dropoff area will take the escalator and arriving at Dargon Shadow Plaza at ground level . To avoid the traffic of automobiles, and to follow the overall masterplan design concept, a free style green landscape layout composed of a sea of colorful auspicious clouds, organically blends into and becomes a forested continuation of the Central Park. 

3. Exhibition Viewing Sequence offers three selections, however all tours start at the entry hall with proof of ticket purchase.

3.1. Museum is the starting point. After visiting the Taichung City history of development, visitors can take the elevators at 19.2 m down to Taiwan Tower entry hall and continue to visit the Taiwan Tower (Refer to Vertical Viewing Sequence Concept Map). This is the main itinerary for visitors. (Refer to Museum Circulation Map) 

3.2. When there is an overflow of visitors, they can use the Taiwan Tower Entrance Hall as a starting point. After visiting the top of the tower visitors can take the high-speed elevators down to the Museum Entrance Hall at 7.2 m and begin the museum tour. 

3.3. If visitors have limited time, they can choose to either to visit the Taiwan Tower or the Museum. 

4. Provide two high-speed sightseeing elevators. When in motion, visitors can see through the tower glass enjoy the aerial landscape from different heights.

E. Green Architecture, Energy Saving, Green Alternative Energy Design Concept

1. Solar panels utilizing a new generation of solar cells, thin, colored, translucent and even flexible cover the roof of  the Urban Development Office building and the partial elevated museum roof. They are integrated into the conventional curtain wall system (Refer to Masterplan) without affecting the exterior building elevation appearance.

2. Solar panels Elevation Design Concept

Solar panels on South and West facades of Taiwan Tower (Refer to South, West elevations)

Museum and Urban Development Offices Bldg to have solar panels, design to incorporate with curtain wall system.

3. In addition to the solar panels, as part of the ground level green continuation, Museum and Urban Development Offices Bldg will install green sustainable roofs to absorb rainwater, and provide insulation. Refer to section of green roof and solar panel design concept.

4. Propose a system of ventilation via fresh-air floor inlets without fans for the Urban Development Offices Bldg (Refer to concept sketch) to save electricity; Install a tall ‘Green Wall’,  onto a freestanding column in the inclined elliptical atrium for filtering indoor air and regulating the indoor climate

5. Master plan design gives thoughts to reduce hard surface paving, increase green to reduce and minimize heat island effect to promote a comfortable microclimate within the site. More green space can reduce stormwater runoff, creating a habitat for small wild life.

6. Introduce cantilevered balconies covered with a light layer of sustainable green vegetation on the east and west façades of the Urban Development Offices Bldg, to provide shading from the sun and for visual pleasure.

7. Except for revolving restaurant and Environmental Quality Monitoring Station offices, the 333m tall open style Taiwan Tower will use LED lighting for energy saving purposes.

F. Structure and HVAC System Framework Design Concepts. 

1. Structure: based on the cylinder diagram for geological investigation data, propose to use pile foundation system (Refer to Taiwan Tower Structure Framework and Foundation Concept sketch, Tower Glass Panel detail drawing). Steel structure is appropriate for the Museum and Urban Development Offices Bldg. Underground parking foundation use reinforced concrete construction cast on site.

2. HVAC System Framework: provide three zones of HVAC systems: main system framework at  -8.50m for the Musuem and the Urban Development Offices Bldg., at 169.2m for intermediate observation and Environmental Quality Monitoring Station, and at 304.2m for revolving restaurant, tea house and sky garden.

3. E/M system:  

Establish a unified self-sustained (solar panel) power supply system for building equipment and all lighting use on site, integrated into city grid supply for backup.

Establish a unified storm Water and Waste Water Recycling Systems for use of fire, irrigation, and waterscape, etc. The rain water is collected and fed into grey-water tanks at different levels of the tower, to conserve energy potential for the great height, so water is accessible without the use of pumps.

4. Elevators, Escalators: 

Two high speed sightseeing elevators for Taiwan Tower, based on Tuntex Sky Tower Gaoxiong) standards ,  reduce lift  speed for sightseeing purpose.
One service elevator to be shared between Taiwan Tower and Museum 
Two passenger elevators for museum and Taiwan Tower
Two passenger elevators and one service elevator for the Urban Development Offices Bldg. 
Nine escalators
Three curved escalators

5. Energy can be harvested on-site. The green power is generated by the solar panels which will supply all electricity use on site. Surplus power can be purchased by the city.

G. Taiwan tower and main spaces exterior and interior material planning.

Plain and simple natural materials with high recycle content  and from rapidly renewable sources  as preferred selection. 

Taiwan Tower exterior surfaces: concrete, steel (including stainless steel), glass-- laminated glass or eco-resin 

Ground covering: granite or recycle glass pavers for exterior at Dragon Shadow Plaza, fiber reinforced concrete as secondary crack reinforcement for underground walls and floors, colourful recycle rubber sidewalks or pedestrian walkways, overpass; crushed, graded recycled glass mulch for  ground cover or plant mulch.

Interior: natural stone, glass at main entrances. Use latex paint for general wall surfaces (major areas including lobbies, public circulation corridors)

Floors: sheet linoleum cover, partially wood flooring , or materials from renewable sources (bamboo and wood)